How to disable CALayer implicit animations?

Esepher picture Esepher · Apr 29, 2011 · Viewed 24.4k times · Source

It's driving me crazy! I am working on a drawing application. Let's say I am working on a UIView called sheet.

I am adding some sublayers to this view ([sheet.layer addSublayer:...]) and then I want to draw into them. To do so I am creating a CGImageRef and putting it into the layer's contents. But it's animated and I don't want that.

I tried everything:

  • removeAnimationForKey:
  • removeAllAnimations
  • set the actions dictionary
  • using the actionlayer delegate
  • [CATransaction setDisableAnimations:YES]

It's seems correct. I don't understand why this layer is still animated ;_;
Am I doing something wrong? Is there a secret way?


Olivier Tabone picture Olivier Tabone · May 1, 2011

You have to explicitly disable animations by wrapping your code in a CATransaction

[CATransaction begin];
[CATransaction setValue:(id)kCFBooleanTrue
layer.content = someImageRef;
[CATransaction commit];