Dark mode launch screen in iOS 13

Quinn picture Quinn · Jul 4, 2019 · Viewed 10.8k times · Source

I've updated my iOS app to work in dark mode on iOS 13 but I am having trouble trying to get the launch screen to look good.

Currently it is a bright white screen with the app logo which looks awful in dark mode. I have tried setting the background colour of the launch screen to be a colour asset that I made with "Any Appearance" being white and "Dark Appearance" being black - but the launch screen still always shows as white.

Is there any way to get my launch screen to work properly in dark mode?


rmaddy picture rmaddy · Jul 4, 2019

When setting up the Launch Screen storyboard, set the view "Background" color to "System Background Color". This will be white in light mode and black in dark mode. No need to use your own color asset.