' No account for team 'LXxxxxxxx' ' build error on Xcode 9.4

lamo_738 picture lamo_738 · Sep 8, 2018 · Viewed 12.5k times · Source

I am cloning a Xcode project from github and is my first experience with Xcode projects. I tried simulating on Mac for a device (say iphone SE) and it works fine. However, when I connect a iphone and try to build the project on the target device as my iphone, it gives this error.

Code Signing Error : No account for team "LXxxxxxxx". Add a new account in the Accounts preference pane or verify that your accounts have valid credentials.

I have signed into my Apple ID under accounts tab in preferences. Is there is something wrong with account ? or How do I detach from this 'team account' ?

Could you please provide me some instructions ?


Blazej SLEBODA picture Blazej SLEBODA · Sep 8, 2018

Step 1: Add your team account to Xcode

Add your team account in Accounts preference pane in Xcode.

Step 2: Assign the target to a team

In the target preferences, enable "Automatic manage signing" then assign the target to your team.