UIImageJPEGRepresentation has been replaced by instance method UIImage.jpegData(compressionQuality:)

b3f79 picture b3f79 · Jul 26, 2018 · Viewed 42.8k times · Source

I've tried to upload a photo to Firebase but it's giving me this error. It was working before Xcode 10. I'm getting this error:

'UIImageJPEGRepresentation' has been replaced by instance method 'UIImage.jpegData(compressionQuality:)'

and I don't know how to use this function.

import UIKit
import Firebase

class SignUpViewController:UIViewController {
    @IBOutlet weak var profileImageView: UIImageView!
    @IBOutlet weak var tapToChangeProfileButton: UIButton!

    var continueButton:RoundedWhiteButton!
    var imagePicker:UIImagePickerController!

    override func viewDidLoad() {

          continueButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(handleSignUp), for: 
        let imageTap = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: 
        profileImageView.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
        profileImageView.layer.cornerRadius = profileImageView.bounds.height / 2
        profileImageView.clipsToBounds = true

        imagePicker = UIImagePickerController()
        imagePicker.allowsEditing = true
        imagePicker.sourceType = .photoLibrary
        imagePicker.delegate = self

    func uploadProfileImage(_ image:UIImage, completion: @escaping ((_ url:URL?)->())) {
        guard let uid = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else { return }
        let storageRef = Storage.storage().reference().child("user/\(uid)")

        guard let imageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 0.75) else { return }

        let metaData = StorageMetadata()
        metaData.contentType = "image/jpg"

        storageRef.putData(imageData, metadata: metaData) { metaData, error in
            if error == nil, metaData != nil {
                if let url = metaData?.downloadURL() {
                } else {
                // success!
            } else {
                // failed


rmaddy picture rmaddy · Jul 26, 2018

The error is telling you that as of iOS 12 the old UIImageJPEGRepresentation function has been replaced with the new jpegData method on UIImage.


let imageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 0.75)


let imageData = image.jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.75)

Similarly, the use of UIImagePNGRepresentation has been replaced with pngData().