Getting a list of files in a directory with a glob

sammich picture sammich · Jan 31, 2009 · Viewed 105.2k times · Source

For some crazy reason I can't find a way to get a list of files with a glob for a given directory.

I'm currently stuck with something along the lines of:

NSString *bundleRoot = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath];
NSArray *dirContents = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] 

..and then stripping out the stuff I don't want, which sucks. But what I'd really like is to be able to search for something like "foo*.jpg" instead of asking for the entire directory, but I've not been able to find anything like that.

So how the heck do you do it?


Brian Webster picture Brian Webster · May 25, 2009

You can achieve this pretty easily with the help of NSPredicate, like so:

NSString *bundleRoot = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath];
NSFileManager *fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSArray *dirContents = [fm contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:bundleRoot error:nil];
NSPredicate *fltr = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"self ENDSWITH '.jpg'"];
NSArray *onlyJPGs = [dirContents filteredArrayUsingPredicate:fltr];

If you need to do it with NSURL instead it looks like this:

NSURL *bundleRoot = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleURL];
NSArray * dirContents = 
      [fm contentsOfDirectoryAtURL:bundleRoot
NSPredicate * fltr = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"pathExtension='jpg'"];
NSArray * onlyJPGs = [dirContents filteredArrayUsingPredicate:fltr];