How to build .ipa and install it on iphone form xcode?

parag Kartpay picture parag Kartpay · Aug 2, 2017 · Viewed 8k times · Source

I have installed MacOS 10.12 Using VMware and successfully implemented Ionic 2 app for IOS. I have also generated an .ipa file using the following method:

  1. Clean your project.
  2. Build your project.
  3. Go to products menu -> select build for -> select Profiling.
  4. In project navigator, find your .app product.
  5. Right click on it and click show in finder.
  6. There you will find folder named "Release-iphoneos", in this folder you will find your .app extension file.
  7. Create a folder named "Payload", copy that .app file in this folder.
  8. Archive your folder.
  9. After archive, rename your folder to name of your app and change its extension from ".zip" to ".ipa"
  10. Your ipa is ready for sharing.

From the above technique I got my .ipa file. Then, to install this app on iPhone i am using . Now the problem is, when i am installing app from my safari browser on iphone download issue is showing. My internet connection is all good. I can also see the installation process on my iphone but app is not installing.

Note: I don't have Apple developer program. I need to build and install this app for testing in different iPhones.

Please suggest any other way to install my app on iPhone or another technique to build and share the app. My configuration is as follows:

Mac OS - 10.12 Sierra(VM-ware machine), Xcode- 8.3.3.

I tried so many articles but not sure where am i getting wrong. please suggest.


Mohammad Bashir Sidani picture Mohammad Bashir Sidani · Aug 2, 2017

For that you will need to be enrolled with the Apple developer program (99$ a year). There is no other way.

Or you need to install it manually by plugging the iPhone in the computer and running the code in XCode (keep in mind that the default certificate will let your app run for 7 days then it will get expired)