HTML5 Video autoplay on iPhone

SeBa picture SeBa · Apr 23, 2017 · Viewed 104k times · Source

I have some kind of a strange problem. I try to create a website with a looped background video. The code looks like this one:

This works perfectly fine on most browsers (IE struggles with this object-fit thing but I don't mind) but on iPhone the video won't autoplay but on iPad it does. I already read the New Policies for iOS and I think I meet the requirements (otherwise iPad won't autoplay). I did some other testing:

  • Removing overlaying divs won't fix it
  • Removing z-index won't fix it
  • Wifi or Cellular doesn't make a difference
  • Video filesize doesn't make a difference, too

Am I doing it wrong or does iPhone simply won't autoplay videos and always requires interaction? I only care for iOS 10, I know that the requirements were different on iOS 9


Pete Florence picture Pete Florence · Jul 30, 2017

Does playsinline attribute help?

Here's what I have:

<video autoplay loop muted playsinline class="video-background ">
  <source src="videos/intro-video3.mp4" type="video/mp4">

See the comment on playsinline here: