Wait for all Operations in queue to finish before performing task

WanderingScouse picture WanderingScouse · Feb 27, 2017 · Viewed 12.1k times · Source

I have an Operation subclass and Operation queue with maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1.

This performs my operations in a sequential order that i add them which is good but now i need to wait until all operations have finished before running another process.

i was trying to use notification group but as this is run in a for loop as soon as the operations have been added to the queue the notification group fires.. How do i wait for all operations to leave the queue before running another process?

for (index, _) in  self.packArray.enumerated() {

    let myArrayOperation = ArrayOperation(collection: self.outerCollectionView, id: self.packArray[index].id, count: index)
    myArrayOperation.name = self.packArray[index].id


myGroup.notify(queue: .main) {
 // do stuff here


Rob picture Rob · Feb 27, 2017

You can use operation dependencies to initiate some operation upon the completion of a series of other operations:

let queue = OperationQueue()

let completionOperation = BlockOperation {
    // all done

for object in objects {
    let operation = ...

OperationQueue.main.addOperation(completionOperation)  // or, if you don't need it on main queue, just `queue.addOperation(completionOperation)`

Or, in iOS 13 and later, you can use barriers:

let queue = OperationQueue()

for object in objects {

queue.addBarrierBlock {
    DispatchQueue.main.async {
        // all done