I have a view which has more than 15 UITextFields
. I have to set bottomBorder(extension) for all the UITextFields
. I can set it one by one for all the UITextFields
and its working too. I want to set the bottom border for all the UITextFields
at once. Here is the code I am trying but it seems like that for loop is not executing. I have even tried it in viewDidLayoutSubViews
but for loop not executing there too.
override func viewDidLoad()
/** setting bottom border of textfield**/
for case let textField as UITextField in self.view.subviews {
Swift: This function will return all text-fields in a view. No matter if field exists in any subview. ;-)
func getAllTextFields(fromView view: UIView)-> [UITextField] {
return view.subviews.flatMap { (view) -> [UITextField]? in
if view is UITextField {
return [(view as! UITextField)]
} else {
return getAllTextFields(fromView: view)
_=getAllTextFields(fromView : self.view).map{($0.text = "Hey dude!")}