Like button in iOS application

iKiR picture iKiR · Nov 3, 2010 · Viewed 26.9k times · Source

Does anybody know how to place Facebook "like" button into iOS application? I've tried the method described in this blog post. But I do not really like this method, because its ugly Login dialog. And, what is more important, it makes user login twice. For example, user wants post a message to his wall if he isn't logged in I call standard FBLoginDialog, after that user posted a message he may want push "like" button and he have to login again - it is really bad user experience.

How to be? How can I give user "like" feature in my iOS app?


Nathan Totten picture Nathan Totten · Nov 4, 2010

That is actually the only way to do it. There is no special iOS like button. However, the good news is that just today Facebook announced single sign in support for mobile apps. This should remove some of the burden the user faces to log in to facebook.