I want to display Currency Symbol based on Country name or country code using NSLocale I have all the country name list. suppose I have selected USA then it Return $ Currency
Code :
NSLocale *locale = [NSLocale currentLocale];
NSString *countryCode = [locale objectForKey: NSLocaleCountryCode];
NSString *country = [locale displayNameForKey: NSLocaleCurrencyCode value: countryCode];
Xcode 10 • Swift 4.2 or later
extension Locale {
static let currency: [String: (code: String?, symbol: String?, name: String?)] = isoRegionCodes.reduce(into: [:]) {
let locale = Locale(identifier: identifier(fromComponents: [NSLocale.Key.countryCode.rawValue: $1]))
$0[$1] = (locale.currencyCode, locale.currencySymbol, locale.localizedString(forCurrencyCode: locale.currencyCode ?? ""))
Locale.currency["US"] // (code "USD", symbol "$", name "US Dollar")
Locale.currency["BR"] // (code "BRL", symbol "R$", name "Brazilian Real")
Locale.currency["GB"] // (code "GBP", symbol "£", name "British Pound")
Locale.currency["PT"] // (code "EUR", symbol "€", name "Euro")
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