I want to unsubscribe from Observable in RxSwift. In order to do this I used to set Disposable to nil. But it seems to me that after updating to RxSwift 3.0.0-beta.2 this trick does not work and I can not unsubscribe from Observable:
//This is what I used to do when I wanted to unsubscribe
var cancellableDisposeBag: DisposeBag?
func setDisposable(){
cancellableDisposeBag = DisposeBag()
func cancelDisposable(){
cancellableDisposeBag = nil
So may be somebody can help me how to unsubscribe from Observable correctly?
In general it is good practice to out all of your subscriptions in a DisposeBag so when your object that contains your subscriptions is deallocated they are too.
let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
func setupRX() {
button.rx.tap.subscribe(onNext : { _ in
print("Hola mundo")
but if you have a subscription you want to kill before hand you simply call dispose() on it when you want too
like this:
let disposable = button.rx.tap.subcribe(onNext : {_ in
print("Hallo World")
Anytime you can call this method and unsubscribe.
But be aware when you do it like this that it your responsibility to get it deallocated.