Code signing error in Xcode 8

Freddy Benson picture Freddy Benson · Sep 20, 2016 · Viewed 12.3k times · Source

I want to run my app on my device instead of on the simulator, but every time I try to run it, I get a code signing error:

  • 'AppName' requires a provisioning profile. Select a provisioning profile for the "Debug" build configuration in the project editor.
  • Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 10.0'

I added a provisioning profile to the build settings under 'Code signing' but I still keep getting this error. Is there something wrong with my provisioning profile or am I looking in the wrong place? By the way, I used this provisioning profile on the previous version of Xcode and never ran into any problems.


Doug Null picture Doug Null · Oct 26, 2016

To fix it, I set > TARGETS > General tab > Signing > Automatically manage signing = CHECK MARK