I got Xcode 8 and a folder with images. I have replaced all images with specific filters in Photoshop, Pixalate.
When I run my project, I get an error:
[Graphics] UIColor created with component values far outside the expected range, Set a breakpoint on UIColorBreakForOutOfRangeColorComponents to debug. This message will only be logged once.
How can I solve this?
You might have something like this somewhere :
UIColor(red: 255, green: 255, blue: 255, alpha: 1.0)
need to be changed like this now :
UIColor(red: 1.0, green: 1.0, blue: 1.0, alpha: 1.0)
SO : UIColor(red: 255/255, green: 255/255, blue: 255/255, alpha: 1.0)