I am getting the following errors when trying to import Alamofire into my project (Cocoapods isn't working for me, so I have to manually import it).
Anyway, I'm using XCode 8 and Swift 2.3, and I'm getting these errors:
Update: I cleaned XCode, downloaded the latest version of Alamofire and restarted my computer. Now, XCode seems to be giving me conflicting errors (pictures for reference) Thanks!
As of early September '16, you need to use the following in your Podfile:
pod 'Alamofire', :git => 'https://github.com/Alamofire/Alamofire.git', :tag => '3.5.0'
Pointing to the swift2.3 branch no longer works, as that branch has been deleted. The tag '3.5.0' points to the last revision on master that supports Swift 2.3.