Swift 3.0 Result of call is unused

Aryan Kashyap picture Aryan Kashyap · Jul 5, 2016 · Viewed 73.9k times · Source

I am writing in swift 3.0

i have this code which gives me the warning result of call is unused

        public override init(){

        public init(annotations: [MKAnnotation]){
            addAnnotations(annotations:  annotations)


        public func setAnnotations(annotations:[MKAnnotation]){
            tree = nil
            addAnnotations(annotations: annotations)

        public func addAnnotations(annotations:[MKAnnotation]){
            if tree == nil {
                tree = AKQuadTree()

            for annotation in annotations {
    // The warning occurs at this line
         tree!.insertAnnotation(annotation: annotation)

i have tried using this method in another classes but it still gives me the error the code for insertAnnotation is above

func insertAnnotation(annotation:MKAnnotation) -> Bool {
        return insertAnnotation(annotation: annotation, toNode:rootNode!)

    func insertAnnotation(annotation:MKAnnotation, toNode node:AKQuadTreeNode) -> Bool {

        if !AKQuadTreeNode.AKBoundingBoxContainsCoordinate(box: node.boundingBox!, coordinate: annotation.coordinate) {
            return false

        if node.count < nodeCapacity {
            node.count += 1
            return true

        if node.isLeaf() {

        if insertAnnotation(annotation: annotation, toNode:node.northEast!) {
            return true

        if insertAnnotation(annotation: annotation, toNode:node.northWest!) {
            return true

        if insertAnnotation(annotation: annotation, toNode:node.southEast!) {
            return true

        if insertAnnotation(annotation: annotation, toNode:node.southWest!) {
            return true

        return false


i have tried many methods but just doesn't work but in swift 2.2 it works fine any ideas why this is happening??


David Skrundz picture David Skrundz · Jul 5, 2016

You are getting this issue because the function you are calling returns a value but you are ignoring the result.

There are two ways to solve this issue:

  1. Ignore the result by adding _ = in front of the function call

  2. Add @discardableResult to the declaration of the function to silence the compiler