Xamarin.Forms - Force ListView layout to redraw

jbyrd picture jbyrd · May 24, 2016 · Viewed 13.1k times · Source

I have a ListView with HasUnevenRows = true, where the content of each cell is variant to begin with, but the content can also change on the fly (through clicking of a button in the cell). When the ListView initially loads, the system must perform a calculation in order to correctly determine and draw the heights of each cell based on their content.

But when I update the content after the initial load, this same calculation is apparently not done, because the height of the cell does not change -- until I've scrolled that item out of view and then back into view.

How can I force this same calculation and redraw manually, without completely refreshing the ListView??

I tried wrapping the ListView in a Frame and calling .ForceLayout() on the frame, but no luck.


Christine picture Christine · May 26, 2016

The height of the cells aren't recalculated by default because it is an expensive process. If you want to force a re-size you need to call ForceUpdateSize() on the cell.

NOTE: This does not work on older versions of Xamarin Forms. It was added in, but try updating to at least