AVPlayer with playback controls of avplayerviewcontroller

tnek316 picture tnek316 · Nov 12, 2015 · Viewed 13.2k times · Source

I am putting n avplayer inside of a view controller to customize some other elements of the view controller but I still want the playback and scrubbing controls used in AVPlayerViewController. Is there a way to enable these controls for the Avplayer when I am not using AvPlayerViewcontroller?


matt picture matt · Nov 12, 2015

No. The usual solution (explicitly advised by Apple) is to use the AVPlayerViewController as an embedded view controller - i.e., make your view controller a custom parent view controller and the AVPlayerViewController its child, and now you can place its view (the movie and the controls) inside your view as a subview in good order. Example (self is your view controller):

let url = // whatever
let player = AVPlayer(URL:url)
let avPlayerViewController = AVPlayerViewController()
avPlayerViewController.player = player
avPlayerViewController.view.frame = // whatever
avPlayerViewController.didMove(toParent: self)