I'm experimenting with ui level testing in iOS 9.0 with XCode GM.
Is there a command in XCode GM that will allow you to see a 'tree' of accessible elements and their relationships? Something similar to the 'page' command in Appium?
Ideally I would be able to run a command in the debugger that would give me a list of elements available for selection/manipulation. Currently you can use debugDescription on a single XCUIElement but that only gives you info for that element.
Set a break point where you would like to see the tree... in the debugger type:
po print(XCUIApplication().debugDescription)
That prints out everything XCUITesting has access to. You can also just throw that in to your test:
func testTreeExample() {
Thta way if you are having trouble finding something you can have it automatically print out what the app sees right after you do something.