I am trying to use Swift 2.0 try-catch.
I originally had the following code
override func viewDidLoad()
var obj : Object?;
Hi( obj );
But it procdues an error
func Hi( open : Open? ) -> Open?
open!.Hi(); <-- here is error point. Fatal error !
print( "OK" );
return open;
Therefore I changed the code in viewDidLoad() to:
override func viewDidLoad()
var obj : Object?;
Hi( obj );
print( "bug !!!" ); <- I want to this !!!
But it does not work !!!
I guess swift's try-catch is different than in C, C#.
How can I catch the fatal error ?
Might the following be a proper swift way?
func Hi( open : Open? ) -> Open?
if let op = open
print( "OK" );
return open;
return nil;
You are not supposed to catch fatalerror. It indicates a programming error. You don't catch programming errors, you fix your code. The crash is intentional and it is intentional that you cannot stop it.
Something involving the keywords try, catch and throw is available in Swift 2, but that is nothing like C++ exceptions that you seem to be thinking about.