I am importing swift framework into objective-c project like this:
@import MyFramework;
The problem is that only some of the classes are recognized by the class i am importing the framework.
The class which is recognized:
public class RecognizedClass:UIViewController, WKNavigationDelegate, WKScriptMessageHandle
{ ... }
The class which is not:
public class VeediUtils
{ ... }
They are both public so why the first is recognized in the workspace and the other not?
Also i see in the header file MyFramework-Swift.h that a class
@interface RecognizedClass : UIViewController <WKNavigationDelegate, WKScriptMessageHandler>
Appear while the other dont
Why is that?
Also to point that this same procedure work when i am importing swift framework to swift project
If you previously configured Project for integrating with Swift and want to use Swift Dynamic Framework, you have to import it like this way (replace {value} with appropriate names depending on your Project):
#import <{MyFramework}/{MyFrameworkMainClass}-Swift.h>
#import "{YourProjectTargetName}-Swift.h"
If your framework has Defines Module
set to true
, then you can import it like this:
@import MyFramework;