ERROR ITMS-90174: "Missing Provisioning Profile - iOS Apps must contain a provisioning profile in a file named embedded.mobileprovision."

Jones picture Jones · Jun 22, 2015 · Viewed 34k times · Source

When I upload to Application Loader I receive the following message:

ERROR ITMS-90174: "Missing Provisioning Profile - iOS Apps must contain a provisioning profile in a file named embedded.mobileprovision."

I have this contained in my app folder. When I compress no matter how obvious I make the provisioning profile, I receive this error trying to upload my app for Apple.


Shane McCurdy picture Shane McCurdy · Oct 4, 2018

If you are using Ionic / Cordova like I am see this announcement...

It's just one setting, then re-run your Archive to Submit to the Apple Store like normal.

Go to "File" > "Project Settings..."

Go to File then Project Settings

then select "Legacy Build System"

enter image description here