I have a UIPageViewController, which works fine when we swipe left or right to turn pages.
class ViewController: UIViewController, UIPageViewControllerDataSource {
Now I intend to provide Previous/Next button on the page too, so that pages can be turned by clicking on these buttons.
How can I trigger the swipe left/right behaviour OR turn pages programmatically?
This is a question for Swift language, not Objective-C.
There's generally no need to fiddle around with page indexes and what not. Chances are you are already implementing a dataSource: UIPageViewControllerDataSource
, which has all of what you need to get a previous or next ViewController to display.
Swift 5 Example:
extension UIPageViewController {
func goToNextPage() {
guard let currentViewController = self.viewControllers?.first else { return }
guard let nextViewController = dataSource?.pageViewController( self, viewControllerAfter: currentViewController ) else { return }
setViewControllers([nextViewController], direction: .forward, animated: false, completion: nil)
func goToPreviousPage() {
guard let currentViewController = self.viewControllers?.first else { return }
guard let previousViewController = dataSource?.pageViewController( self, viewControllerBefore: currentViewController ) else { return }
setViewControllers([previousViewController], direction: .reverse, animated: false, completion: nil)
This way you're guaranteed that the pages you're transitioning to are exactly what the PageViewController's
built in gestures would trigger.