I'm having so much problems with Enterpsie Distribution on iOS 8.1.3. I managed to fix MOST of my installations which were giving this error:
Ignore manifest download, already have bundleID
with this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/25948839/517688
Which basically tells you to fake the bundleID on the server manifest.plist.
But on some of my test devices I'm getting a new error after the change:
Error Domain=MIInstallerErrorDomain Code=63 "Application is missing the application-identifier entitlement."
And I can't seem to find a solution for this one.
I tried adding this to the .entitlements file:
but now I'm getting this error when trying to Archive the app for distribution:
None of the valid provisioning profiles allowed the specified entitlements: application-identifier, aps-environment.
The application-identifier entitlement is not formatted correctly;
It should contain your 10-character App ID Seed, followed by a dot, followed by your bundle identifier: