I've been trying to change the selected image on a UITabBar. I've followed procedures listed on other Stackoverflow questions, but nothing seems to work.
I have tried setting the image through the User Defined Runtime Attributes section, as well as tried adding the following to AppDelegate.swift:
var tabBarController = self.window!.rootViewController as UITabBarController
let tabItems = tabBarController.tabBar.items as [UITabBarItem]
var selectedImage0 = UIImage(named:"NewsfeedTabSelected")
tabItems[0].selectedImage = selectedImage0
This doesn't yield any results. I did a println(tabItems[0].title) and that output the correct title, so I know that the reference to the TabBarItem is working.
Any thoughts?
I solved using something like this on the AppDelegate.
var tabBarController = self.window!.rootViewController as UITabBarController
var tabBar = tabBarController.tabBar as UITabBar
var tabBarItem1 = tabBar.items![0] as UITabBarItem
var tabBarItem2 = tabBar.items![1] as UITabBarItem
var tabBarItem3 = tabBar.items![2] as UITabBarItem
tabBarItem1.selectedImage = UIImage(named: "FirstSelectedImage")
tabBarItem2.selectedImage = UIImage(named: "SecondSelectedImage")
tabBarItem3.selectedImage = UIImage(named: "ThirdSelectedImage")