xcode 6 assistant editor Automatic results will not display

dscrown picture dscrown · Oct 22, 2014 · Viewed 11.9k times · Source

I can not drag anything to the code from the storyboard. Files were in assistant editor under automatic but now there gone how do i get them back other then deleting and recreating them? Opening them up under manual it will come up but Xcode can't find the referance when dragging to the code and i get the error when naming it.


mdstroebel picture mdstroebel · Jun 5, 2015

I don't know if anyone else is still having this issue, but I get it a few times a week on Xcode 6.1.1 and I usually do the following to fix it (once I have checked that there are no class name mismatches):

  • Clean build
  • Delete Derived Data (using Organiser)
  • Force Quit Xcode
  • Re-open and Build

I know this is crazy, but it continues to work for me o_O