I'm trying to localize my app using NSLocalizedString. When i import the XLIFF file, most works like a charm but something do not and some string is not localized. I have noticed that the problem is from NSLocalizedString containing something variable inside like:
NSLocalizedString(" - \(count) Notifica", comment: "sottotitolo prescrizione per le notifiche al singolare")
NSLocalizedString("Notifica per \(medicina!) della prescrizione \(prescription!)\nMemo: \(memoTextView.text)", comment: "Messaggio della Local Notification")
Maybe this is not the correct syntax for thi kind of stuff. Some one can explain me how to do that in swift? Thank you very much.
You can use the sprintf
format parameters within NSLocalizedString
, so your example can look like this:
let myString = String(format: NSLocalizedString(" - %d Notifica", comment: "sottotitolo prescrizione per le notifiche al singolare"), count)