Warning during archive App with iOS 8 Extension in Xcode 6

gianpispi picture gianpispi · Sep 20, 2014 · Viewed 10.9k times · Source

I have a problem while archiving my app.

I created a new target for an iOS 8 extension.

When I archive the app, I receive a warning.

The warning is

"PBXCp Warning", "warning: skipping copy phase strip, binary is code signed: /Users/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/App/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveInter mediates/AppName/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/AppExtappex/AppE xt"

The app is in Objective-C.


perezda picture perezda · Oct 8, 2014

Check the "Strip Debug Symbols During Copy" option in your Xcode target's build settings. Its saying that it cant strip debug symbols because the extension was already signed.