Archive in xcode 6 is producing a pkg, not ipa

maxhs picture maxhs · Sep 10, 2014 · Viewed 10.7k times · Source

Recently updated to Xcode 6 and now whenever I archive a project, I get a .pkg instead of an .ipa. I've set the other target in my project (cocoapods) to skip install but that didn't do the trick. The deployment target is iOS, not mac (it's an iphone/ipad app that previously archived .ipas fine).

Am I missing a new setting somewhere (i.e. default archive iOS apps to .ipa) or is there a gotcha with ad hoc distribution on Xcode 6 I'm not aware of?


AntiHaus picture AntiHaus · Sep 10, 2014

Add LSRequiresIPhoneOS YES to your Info.plist
The key can be found as Application requires iPhone environment