How to start the Appium server from command prompt in MAC machine?

Priyanka Agarwal picture Priyanka Agarwal · Sep 4, 2014 · Viewed 36.5k times · Source

I am automating native mobile application using . Until now I was launching the server from the Appium GUI by clicking on the Launch button. Now I want to start the server from a command prompt.

I was able to do the same in Windows machine by following the below steps:

  1. Launch Node.js command prompt
  2. Navigate till the Appium bin folder
  3. Use the command node appium

I got blocked on how to start the Node.js command prompt on a Mac. Can you pleases tell me how I can start the Appium server from a command prompt on a Mac.


SthQA picture SthQA · Sep 4, 2014

if you used npm install -g appium then you should be able to directly open one with the command

appium //plus any server args you want ex: appium -p 4474 

Or you can still navigate to the folder of your node_modules and into appium and go with

node . //plus any server args you want

if you want to have additional server flags, all are available at their site with documentations.