Xcode beta 6 iOS 8: Simulator not working

JakeFromStateFarm picture JakeFromStateFarm · Jul 14, 2014 · Viewed 64.1k times · Source

I cannot launch the simulator successfully. Once I launch the IOS Simulator this error appears:

"Unable to boot the IOS Simulator."

Following the IOS Simulator error, I then get an error from Xcode reading:

Unable to run app in Simulator
An error was encountered while running (Domain = DTiPhoneSimulatorErrorDomain, Code = 2)

Screenshot for error


This might sound silly but I went to Xcode/preference/Downloads with intentions of seeing a IOS 8.0 Simulator but there was none. Could this be the problem? Am I suppose to have a IOS 8.0 Simulator? If so can someone direct me how to get it? Also, under the "Downloads" tab in Xcode preference I do see IOS 7.0 and 7.1 Simulators and both work fine with Xcode 5.


Flori picture Flori · Aug 21, 2014

the trick is, to select the right command line tools! just select it here enter image description here

reboot(!) and everything is fine again :-)