I was searching for the SDK as they have mentioned here that IOS/Android/Windows SDKs are available. But did not find anything. Finally I drafted an email to CCAvenue tech. support team.
Then had call with them and this is what they said:
- We need to have actual merchant account to get the login credentials to download the SDKs.
- They do not provide any sandbox testing environment.
- The process is, they will verify the merchant account by merchant's website and other entered details.
- Once they are done with verification, they send an activation email to merchant's registered email address.
- Once merchant activates his account, he will get the login credentials to download the SDK.
- There are two types of subscription: Free and privileged.(Refer their website to know more)
- With SDK, if merchant has free plan then only INR and USD currencies are supported. If merchant wants to add support for any other currency then he will have to request CCAvenue for the same. CCAvenue team will verify with the concerned banks for it, if banks allow the transactions then new currency can be activated by paying Rs. 5000 for each.
- If merchant has privileged plan, then along with INR, merchant can select any 4 currencies from the supported 27 currencies. If merchant wants more, then he can purchase currency by paying Rs. 5000 for each.