iOS Core Bluetooth : Getting API MISUSE Warning

Yogesh Kulkarni picture Yogesh Kulkarni · Apr 28, 2014 · Viewed 23.1k times · Source

I am writing a test app in iOS 7 with the Core Bluetooth API. When I am testing the application I found that I am getting the following warning message:

TestBluetooth[626:60b] CoreBluetooth[API MISUSE] can only accept commands while in the powered on state

Later I debugged app and found that, warning is coming from the following line of code:

[manager scanForPeripheralsWithServices:array options:scanOptions];

So can anyone please tell me why I am getting this message in the console?

There are bluetooth 4.0 android devices around me, but this app is not discovering them as peripheral device. So why it is not discovering bluetooth 4.0 LE Android devices as peripherals?


Etan picture Etan · May 12, 2014

You have to wait until the [-CBCentralManagerDelegate centralManagerDidUpdateState:] callback has been called. And then, verify that the state is PoweredOn before you start scanning for peripherals.