Enabling personal hot spot pushing down the view and related subviews pushing down. How to disable the personal hotspot notification programmatically? (how can i restrict iPhone status bar to original size even when HOT SPOT is on?)
I found rather late that the Personal Hotspot doesn't just add 20points to the status bar, it messes up views that rely on drop points in an animator with gravity. I added code that checks the status bar height before laying out the views. If it's not 20, then it's probably the hotspot, so I just hide the status bar. Not an ideal solution, but works so far.
- (BOOL)prefersStatusBarHidden {
if ([UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarFrame.size.height == 20) {
NSLog(@"Status bar is 20 so returning NO for hidden");
return NO;
NSLog(@"Status bar is not 20 so returning YES for hidden");
return YES;