I am using Parse as my backend for one of my native iOS app. I am not able to update a record on a table in Parse. First I query the object that I want to update it. So, "objects" array returns 1 record but when I want to update it I get the following error;
"object not found for update (Code: 101, Version: 1.2.16)"
So what do you think I can not update a record in Parse? (Below is my code)
Thanks, E.
PFQuery *query = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"askedFriends"];
[query whereKey:@"questionID" equalTo:aqDt.questionID];
[query whereKey:@"fbID" equalTo:FbId];
[query findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSArray *objects, NSError *error) {
NSArray *postArray = objects;
PFObject *post = postArray.lastObject;
[post setObject:@"sentReply" forKey:btnSelection];
[post saveInBackground];
I had the same problem, And it was the ACL column for that specific Class table. Ensure to have something like this in your ACL column
The "*" allow the read to everyone. You can set client side using something like
ParseACL acl = new ParseACL(<YourObject>);