Cannot create outlet connections to subviews in Interface Builder (Xcode 5)

Patricia picture Patricia · Nov 29, 2013 · Viewed 41k times · Source

I know this appears to be a duplicate of some other questions, but the answers are not working for me.

  1. I have created a single view app.
  2. In the storyboard I added a subview to my main view.
  3. I have a label on my main view and another label on my subview.
  4. I have created a class of type UIView and added it as the custom class for the subview.
  5. I can ctrl-drag my label on my main view to the main view controller class. But when I try to ctrl-drag my label on my subview to my custom class, I cannot get the connection to occur.
  6. I have even typed the property information and tried to make the connection manually to no avail.

Things have changed a bit in the latest version of Xcode's Interface Builder. Can somebody tell me what I am missing? There is literally no code here. I am just testing trying to connect outlets to a subview with a custom class.

The first image shows that I have set up the custom class and added a property but I cannot make the connection.

Main view and subview in Interface Builder - custom class is set

The second image shows the main view label is connected in the main view's controller.

Main view and subview in Interface Builder - main view's label is connected

The third image shows that there are no outlet connections for the subview's label.

Main view and subview in Interface Builder - cannot connect subview's label


Rob picture Rob · Nov 30, 2013

You can manually write the IBOutlet property declaration in the @interface of the custom view subclass, and assuming you've defined the base class of your subview in IB, then you can drag from the outlet circle in the code back to the control in the scene.

enter image description here

Or, as you point out, Warren Burton suggested both this technique and another in his answer to this other question, Can't Wire to Subview in IB.