Xcode 5 & Asset Catalog: How to reference the LaunchImage?

toblerpwn picture toblerpwn · Oct 1, 2013 · Viewed 35.1k times · Source

I am using Xcode 5's Asset Catalog, and I would like to use my LaunchImage as the background image of my home view (a pretty common practice to make the transition from 'loading' to 'loaded' look smooth).

I would like to use the same entry in the Asset Catalog to save space and not have to replicate the image in two different Image Sets.

However, calling:

UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"LaunchImage"]; //returns nil


Pichirichi picture Pichirichi · Nov 18, 2013

This is the (almost) complete list of the LaunchImage (excluding the iPad images with no status bar):