Could not load Quick Look data for "image"

aslisabanci picture aslisabanci · Sep 7, 2013 · Viewed 7k times · Source

I'm trying the Quick Look feature of the new Xcode 5 to be able to see my images in the debugging pane but I'm getting this message that my images cannot be previewed with Quick Look, it says "Could not load Quick Look data for "image"", where "image" is the name of my variable.

Does this happen because of the size of the image or is there any other thing to consider? My image's size is kind of big like (width=2448, height=1224)



Nat picture Nat · Dec 18, 2013

For only debug purposes when I definitely need the image (and can't normally quick look at it) I'm able to see it using following pattern:

CGImageRef imageRef = image.CGImage;
CGImageRelease(imageRef); // put breakpoint here

Then i need to quick look at imageRef. Do not forget to remove this line of code when you catch the bug as it eats device resources and is spare :)

BTW: Tommie's solution didn't work for me.