How can I create static library and can add just .a file on any project in ios.
I tried doing this but couldn't do it.
Thanks in advance
if you want create static lib mean refer the link
Step 1 : Create a New Project, Named it "Logger"
Step 2 : Create Classes
You can create as many classes you wants, In our tutorial we will create one class named "Logger". So, now two files should be in our resource. 1. Logger.h 2. Logger.m
Step 3 : Put some useful code into Classes
Step 4 : Create New Target
Create New Target from File Menu.
New Target Select Cocoa Touch Static Library
Step 5 : Add files to Compile Resource
Select "Logger" Target of Static Library Go to Build Phases In Complied Sources section, Add all the .m and .mm files. In Copy Files section, Add all the .h files and resource files.
Build Phases
Step 6 : Compile Project with Static Library Target
Compile Project for iOS Device Compile Project for Simulator You can find two different .a files generated in build folders.
Find .a file
Step 7: Make Static Library Universal
You can find two different library now, one is for simulator and one is for iOS devices.
Create a New Folder and name it LoggerMerge.
Copy libLogger.a
file of Debug-iphoneos folder to "LoggerMerge" rename it to libLogger_device.a
Copy libLogger.a
file of Debug-iphonesimulator folder to "LoggerMerge" rename it to libLogger_simulator.a
Open LoggerMerge folder with Terminal
Fire below command
lipo -create "libLogger_simulator.a
" "libLogger_device.a
" -output "libLogger.a
Now, you can find libLogger.a in LoggerMerge folder, this is Universal static library file. Now, Just one thing you need is headers, See above screenshot there is folder called include in both build folder. Just copy header file from this folder.
Step 8 : Test Static Library
Create New Project, name it TestLogger
Import libLogger.a
and header files
Import header file "Logger.h
" anywhere you want to use
Now, Use this Logger class as default practice.
In our case, [Logger log:@"Test String"];
Run Project in Simulator and Device both
That's it!! You have your own static Library!!