Make link in UILabel.attributedText *not* blue and *not* underlined

Ramsel picture Ramsel · Mar 13, 2013 · Viewed 33.3k times · Source

I want some words within my OHAttributedLabel to be links, but I want them to be colors other than blue and I don't want the underline.

This is giving me a blue link with underlined text:

 -(void)createLinkFromWord:(NSString*)word withColor:(UIColor*)color atRange:(NSRange)range{

    NSMutableAttributedString* mutableAttributedText = [self.label.attributedText mutableCopy];   

    [mutableAttributedText beginEditing];
    [mutableAttributedText addAttribute:kOHLinkAttributeName
                   value:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]

    [mutableAttributedText addAttribute:(id)kCTForegroundColorAttributeName

    [mutableAttributedText addAttribute:(id)kCTUnderlineStyleAttributeName
                   value:[NSNumber numberWithInt:kCTUnderlineStyleNone]
    [mutableAttributedText endEditing];

    self.label.attributedText = mutableAttributedText;


Since I'm using OHAttributedLabel, I also tried using the methods in it's NSAttributedString+Attributes.h category, but those return blue underlined links as well:

-(void)createLinkFromWord:(NSString*)word withColor:(UIColor*)color atRange:(NSRange)range{

NSMutableAttributedString* mutableAttributedText = [self.label.attributedText mutableCopy];

[mutableAttributedText setLink:[NSURL URLWithString:@""] range:range];
[mutableAttributedText setTextColor:color range:range];
[mutableAttributedText setTextUnderlineStyle:kCTUnderlineStyleNone range:range];

self.label.attributedText = mutableAttributedText;

If I comment out the line setting the links in each version, the text gets colored to what I pass in - that works. It just seems like setting the link is overriding this and turning it back to blue.

Unfortunately the apple docs page I found shows how to set the link text to blue and underline it, exactly what I don't need:


Ramsel picture Ramsel · Mar 19, 2013

So I ended up using TTTAttributedLabel:

-(void)createLinkFromWord:(NSString*)word withColor:(UIColor*)color atRange:(NSRange)range{
    NSMutableAttributedString* newTextWithLinks = [self.label.attributedText mutableCopy];
    NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
    self.label.linkAttributes = @{NSForegroundColorAttributeName: color, 
                                   NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName: @(NSUnderlineStyleNone)};
    [self.label addLinkToURL:url withRange:range];

I found that OHAttributedLabel actually does have methods to set links and declare colors and underline styles for those links. However, I wanted the links to be different colors based on a parameter. TTTAttributedLabel allows this by letting you set it's linkAttributes property for each link you create.