How do I use the Detail Disclosure button?

Lorenz de Guzman picture Lorenz de Guzman · Jan 28, 2013 · Viewed 17.7k times · Source

I'm new to Xcode and I need to know how to use the Detail Disclosure button that I have added to my table. The round blue arrow button when pressed will redirect the user to another ViewController, and in that ViewController, the data in the selected row will be displayed. I'll be using it for updating purposes. I'm apologize for my lack of knowledge about iOS programming. Please be patient with me. Thanks! :)


Tommy Devoy picture Tommy Devoy · Jan 28, 2013

The correct tableView delegate method is :

-(void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView accessoryButtonTappedForRowWithIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath

-Basically the detail disclosure button is useful for displaying some extra info in your tableView other than the main info that is invoked when the user selects the row (i.e. the didSelectRowAtIndexPath method)