How to convert Blender blend (or obj) file to Qualcom Vuforia .h file

alesic picture alesic · Jan 24, 2013 · Viewed 7.2k times · Source

I'm developing an iOS app with augmented reality using Qualcomm Vuforia and I have difficulty in understanding how to create 3D models from Blender (or other softwares). All the examples use .h files with the coordinates of the vertices to generate i.e. a teapot. I can not find documentation useful for me. Is there a tool to convert .blend or .obj files to .h (OpenGL ES)?



Ricardo RendonCepeda picture Ricardo RendonCepeda · Jan 24, 2013

I developed a script called mtl2opengl that does exactly what you need, based on the project obj2opengl. The script works with .obj and .mtl files, which I think can be exported straight from Blender, and produces .h files with vertex data. I use it extensively in my iOS augmented reality applications (though I haven't used the Vuforia SDK yet) and the accompanying resources include a sample Xcode project too. Hope it helps!