Completion block for popViewController

Ben Packard picture Ben Packard · Oct 15, 2012 · Viewed 58.5k times · Source

When dismissing a modal view controller using dismissViewController, there is the option to provide a completion block. Is there a similar equivalent for popViewController?

The completion argument is quite handy. For instance, I can use it to hold off removing a row from a tableview until the modal is off screen, letting the user see the row animation. When returning from a pushed view controller, I would like the same opportunity.

I have tried placing popViewController in an UIView animation block, where I do have access to a completion block. However, this produces some unwanted side effects on the view being popped to.

If there is no such method available, what are some workarounds?


Joris Kluivers picture Joris Kluivers · Dec 1, 2014

I know an answer has been accepted over two years ago, however this answer is incomplete.

There is no way to do what you're wanting out-of-the-box

This is technically correct because the UINavigationController API doesn't offer any options for this. However by using the CoreAnimation framework it's possible to add a completion block to the underlying animation:

[CATransaction begin];
[CATransaction setCompletionBlock:^{
    // handle completion here

[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];

[CATransaction commit];

The completion block will be called as soon as the animation used by popViewControllerAnimated: ends. This functionality has been available since iOS 4.