Where's the difference between setObject:forKey: and setValue:forKey: in NSMutableDictionary?

HelloMoon picture HelloMoon · Aug 8, 2009 · Viewed 63.5k times · Source

When looking at the documentation, I hardly see any big difference. Both "value" and "object" are of type id, so can be any object. Key is once a string, and in the other case an id. One of them seems to retain the object, and the other don't. What else? Which one is for what case?


Oren Trutner picture Oren Trutner · Aug 8, 2009

setValue:forKey: is part of the NSKeyValueCoding protocol, which among other things, lets you access object properties from the likes of Interface Builder. setValue:forKey: is implemented in classes other than NSDictionary.

setObject:forKey: is NSMutableDictionary's reason to exist. Its signature happens to be quite similar to setValue:forKey:, but is more generic (e.g. any key type). It's somewhat of a coincidence that the signatures are so similar.

What adds to the confusion is that NSMutableDictionary's implementation of setValue:forKey: is equivalent to setObject:forKey: in most cases. In other classes, setValue:forKey: changes member variables. In NSMutableDictionary, it changes dictionary entries, unless you prefix the key with a '@' character -- in which case it modifies member variables.

So, in a nutshell, use setObject:forKey: when you need to work with dictionary keys and values, and setValue:forKey: in the rarer cases where you need to tackle KVP.

EDIT: and oh, it looks like this has been asked and answered before: Difference between objectForKey and valueForKey?