I'm not sure this is a suitable question for here but is the new Chrome app for IOS just a UIWebView?
If so then would it be safe to assume that there shouldn't be any rendering differences between it and mobile Safari?
No, it is not just a UiWebView. Mike Pinkerton's post on chrome-team googlegroup:
Chrome for iOS has some pretty major technical restrictions imposed by the App Store, such as the requirement to use the built-in UIWebView for rendering, no V8, and a single-process model. As a result it’s been challenging to re-use critical Chromium infrastructure components. That said, there is a lot of code we do leverage, such as the network layer, the sync and bookmarks infrastructure, omnibox, metrics and crash reporting, and a growing portion of content.
The networking layer alone contains a lot of optimizations to enhance your browsing. Here's a quick overview: http://www.igvita.com/2012/06/04/chrome-networking-dns-prefetch-and-tcp-preconnect/