I'm trying to automate the process of building apps for our clients using bash scripts running on a Mac Mini Server (OSX 10.7).
My script is based on the spectacularly useful script from github originally posted at https://gist.github.com/949831
I'm building the app using xcodebuild, and then signing and embedding the mobileprovision file using xcrun.
When I do all this with a mobileprovision file I manually installed into Xcode using the GUI (e.g. double-clicking) it works fine. If I simply try to use a mobileprovision file copied onto the server with SCP it fails (Code Sign error: Provisioning profile '123abc123' can't be found.)
Presumably this is because the file isn't 'installed'.
Is there any way to install the mobileprovision file from the terminal? I'm using SSH so using things such as the 'open' command won't work.
If you don't want to download external dependencies (like Ben did), the following should work in most cases:
uuid=`grep UUID -A1 -a adhoc.mobileprovision | grep -io "[-A-F0-9]\{36\}"`
cp adhoc.mobileprovision ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/$uuid.mobileprovision
Note that a UUID is composed of hexadecimal digits so the correct range is [-A-F0-9]
and not [-A-Z0-9]
Using the cupertino tool, the following snippet downloads all your distribution profiles from the Developer Portal and installs them.
ios profiles:download:all --type distribution
for file in *.*provision*; do
uuid=`grep UUID -A1 -a "$file" | grep -io "[-A-F0-9]\{36\}"`
echo "$file -> $uuid"
mv -f "$file" ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/"$uuid.$extension"
cupertino (the ios
command) can be installed with sudo gem install cupertino