I feel I am missing a trick here...
I just want to call viewDidLoad or viewDidAppear on the current active view controller when applicationDidBecomeActive gets called, so I can reset some animations or whatever, when the app is started up again from the background. Some of my views don't care, but others really need to know.
I am using Storyboards and my app delegate file has the standard functions - but all with EMPTY bodies. For example, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions just returns YES and does nothing else. Storyboard automagically does everything I guess.
So how can I talk to the current view controller from my rather blank, information free, app delegate?
Instead of sending a notification from your app delegate, the OS sends a notification automatically that you can observe:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
and of course make sure to stop observing sometime before or inside your dealloc method, by calling:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self