Use this tag to ask questions related to iOS frameworks.
App wasn't developed by me, but now I have to add some features. Code compiles add launches on simulator but …
ios iphone swift xcode ios-frameworksI am creating a static iOS framework (default template in Xcode 6) that includes xib files. However I am having trouble …
ios xcode static-libraries xib ios-frameworksI have a custom framework that I am archiving for use in another project. After updating to Xcode11 I get …
ios swift ios-frameworks xcode11I'm trying to upload to TestFlight a project build for arm64, armv7, and armv7s. It is using a framework …
ios ios-frameworksI have a project with one application target: MyApp one Embedded Framework target: MyKit.framework one application extension target: MyExtension …
ios xcode xcode8 ios-app-extension ios-frameworksI am developing an iOS framework which includes image resources, I call the methods below in the framwork, crossImage = [UIImage …
ios objective-c frameworks nsbundle ios-frameworksI'm working on an iOS project written in Swift, and I would like to take some classes out of the …
ios objective-c xcode swift ios-frameworks