i was trying to use live reload on my ionic 2 application. so i found this command
ionic run browser --live-reload
is not working as expected and while making code changes i am receiving console messages
[16:12:47] build started ...
[16:12:47] transpile update started ...
[16:12:47] transpile update finished in 46 ms
[16:12:47] deeplinks update started ...
[16:12:47] deeplinks update finished in 248 ms
[16:12:47] webpack update started ...
but the page isn't reloading
i found the solution on the github page
include a script in the package.json file
"browser": "ionic-app-scripts serve --sourceMap source-map --iscordovaserve --wwwDir platforms/browser/www/ --buildDir platforms/browser/www/build"
and run
npm run browser