Ionic as a web server

Moebius picture Moebius · May 17, 2015 · Viewed 13.1k times · Source

I have an Ionic project and I want it to work as if it is a web server (say mamp + php).

Since ionic is able to display a project in browser localy (using ionic serve), I am pretty sure it is able to do that. I have a simple ovh server.

How could I do that ?


Carlos Rojas picture Carlos Rojas · May 17, 2015

You gonna need send all your project files (www folder) and dependencies to an web server.

You can try.


    $ cd [ionic project]
    $ ionic platform add browser
    $ cd [ionic project]/platforms/browser/

and move your www folder to your server [webapp] folder.


In your server:

1.Install Node.js

  1. Install connect and serve-static

    $ cd [webapp] $ npm install connect serve-static

  2. Create server.js file

    var connect = require('connect');
    var serveStatic = require('serve-static');
  3. Run serve

    $ node server.js &


Now you can go to http://yourdomain:8080/index.html

I hope this can help you :)